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Calculate boiler energy efficiency

 Aprenda como Calcular a eficiência Energética em Caldeiras

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Calculator explanation

Material Explicação sobre a calculadora
Calculadora COONTROL
Calculadora de Eficiência Energética


What are the advantages of using the Calculator?


Power Efficiency

Based on the data entered by the user, we can carry out calculations that comply with current standards and define boiler performance results.



Discover factors that can improve the financial efficiency of your industrial boiler.



Once completed, you will have access to the full efficiency report.



Possibility of checking points of improvement in the equipment's energy efficiency.



The calculator has been approved by several customers who have validated the information.

What do you get from using the Calculator?

We will send you a full report to your e-mail address:

✅ Efficiency report based on the information entered;

✅ Totalization of estimated fuel consumption month/year;

✅ Totalization of estimated fuel vapor month/year;

✅ Financial value of steam production;

✅ Steam generation costs;

✅ Recommendations for improvement.


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